World’s #1 Noise Cancelling App and AI Meeting Assistant

Krisp cancels background noise, records, transcribes, and summarizes meetings and calls.

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World’s #1 Noise Cancelling App and AI Meeting Assistant


What is Krisp?

Krisp is a world's #1 noise cancelling app and AI meeting assistant that provides a suite of features to enhance online meetings and calls. It offers AI-powered noise cancellation, meeting transcription, AI meeting notes and summary, and meeting recording.


For Individuals and Teams

  • AI Noise Cancellation: Removes background noises, voices, and echoes from online meetings.
  • Meeting Transcription: Transcribes meetings and calls in real-time for individuals and teams.
  • AI Meeting Notes and Summary: Generates meeting notes, summaries, and action items from meetings.
  • Meeting Recording: Automatically records meetings across all communication apps.

For Enterprise and Call Centers

  • AI Noise Cancellation: Removes background noises, voices, and echoes from customer calls.
  • AI Accent Localization: Converts agents' accents in real-time to the customer's native accent for clearer communication.
  • AI Live Interpreter: Provides affordable, instant, and reliable AI-powered real-time voice translation for call centers.
  • AI Call Notes: Transcribes the call in real-time and generates AI summaries, allowing the agents to focus on the customer.
  • Speech-to-Text API: Securely converts the agent-customer calls into text for further on-premises processing.
  • Call Recording API: Automatically integrates with all CX and voice platforms and allows you to record all customer calls.

Use Cases

Individuals and Freelancers

  • No distractions: clear calls accompanied by transcriptions and meeting notes.

Hybrid Work

  • Elevating hybrid teams with clear communication and solid accountability.

Sales and Success

  • Focus on selling while our AI maximizes your voice quality and takes meeting notes.

SDK and Developers

  • Integrate Krisp's award-winning voice AI technologies into your product.

Call Center (BPO)

  • Elevated CX and AX accompanied with the AI-powered Noise Cancellation, Transcription, etc.

Call Center (Enterprise)

  • Award-winning Voice AI solutions designed to elevate customer and agent experience.

Professional Services

  • Clear calls, no distractions: let AI transcribe and summarize your consultations.


Please refer to the pricing page for more information.

How it Works

Krisp works with any conferencing app, and functions as a "smart" layer between your device and any online communication platform, eliminating all background noise, recording and capturing transcriptions and meeting notes.

Helpful Tips

  • Use Krisp to eliminate background noise and distractions in online meetings and calls.
  • Leverage Krisp's AI-powered features to enhance collaboration and productivity.
  • Integrate Krisp with your existing communication apps and platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does Krisp's AI noise cancellation work?
  • Is Krisp compatible with my communication app?
  • How do I integrate Krisp with my existing platform?
  • What are the benefits of using Krisp for call centers and BPOs?