PDF.ai | Chat with your PDF documents

We built the ultimate ChatPDF app that allows you to chat with any PDF: ask questions, get summaries, find anything you need!

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PDF.ai | Chat with your PDF documents


What is PDF.ai?

PDF.ai is an AI-driven platform that enables users to chat with their PDF documents, extracting valuable information and insights from various types of documents, including legal agreements, financial reports, books, scientific papers, user manuals, and more.

Features of PDF.ai

PDF.ai offers a range of innovative features, including:

  • Upload documents: Easily upload PDF documents to chat with them

  • Instant answers: Ask questions, extract information, and summarize documents with AI

  • Sources included: Every response is backed by sources extracted from the uploaded document

  • Built for any use case: PDF.ai is designed to cater to various use cases, including legal documents, financial reports, books, scientific papers, user manuals, and more

How to use PDF.ai?

Using PDF.ai is straightforward:

  1. Upload a document: Upload the PDF document you'd like to chat with

  2. Ask questions: Ask questions, extract information, and summarize documents with AI

  3. Get instant answers: Receive instant answers and insights from your document

Pricing of PDF.ai

PDF.ai offers a free plan, allowing users to try the demo and experience the power of chatting with their PDF documents. For heavy users, PDF.ai offers affordable subscription plans that provide extended benefits and features.

Helpful Tips for using PDF.ai

To maximize the benefits of PDF.ai, follow these helpful tips:

  • Explore various use cases: PDF.ai is designed to cater to various use cases, so explore different applications to get the most out of the platform

  • Ask specific questions: Ask specific questions to get precise answers and insights from your document

  • Leverage the daily free uses: Make the most of the daily free uses to get started with PDF.ai

Frequently Asked Questions about PDF.ai

Can I use PDF.ai for free?

Yes, PDF.ai offers a free plan that allows users to try the demo and experience the power of chatting with their PDF documents.

Is PDF.ai secure?

Yes, PDF.ai highly values user privacy, and your data will not be used for any training purposes. If needed, you can delete your account at any time, and all your data will be removed as well.

Can I use PDF.ai for any type of document?

Yes, PDF.ai is designed to cater to various types of documents, including legal agreements, financial reports, books, scientific papers, user manuals, and more.