Superhuman | Blazingly fast email for teams and individuals

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Superhuman | Blazingly fast email for teams and individuals


What is Superhuman?

Superhuman is an AI-powered email platform designed for high-performing teams and individuals. It provides a blazingly fast email experience, allowing users to fly through their email twice as fast as before, be more responsive to what matters most, and eliminate email anxiety once and for all.

Features of Superhuman

AI Write

With Superhuman AI, users can write entire emails with just one line. The AI matches the voice and tone in the emails users have already sent, applying that to everything it creates. This feature helps users say goodbye to writer's block and hello to effortless productivity.

Split Inbox

Superhuman's Split Inbox allows users to automatically triage incoming email, focusing on what needs their attention. Users can split out emails from their team, VIPs, or most used tools, ensuring they respond fast where it matters most.


Superhuman makes it easy to follow up on time, every time. When sending an email, users can choose a time, and if they don't hear back, Superhuman will remind them to follow up.


Superhuman enables users to share and comment on emails with their team, collaborate faster than ever before, and rapidly unblock progress.


With Snippets, users can automate typing and push past the limit of typing speed. They can insert phrases, paragraphs, or whole emails, even including attachments, adding people to CC or BCC internal systems.

Perfect Timing

Superhuman's Send Later feature allows users to reply faster with Instant Reply, snooze emails for later, and hit Inbox Zero with keyboard shortcuts.

Social Insights

Superhuman provides social insights, enabling users to improve interactions and have perfect timing with Send Later.

Read Statuses

Users can see when people read their email and on which device, allowing them to close high-value deals, hire elusive candidates, and work more effectively with their team.


Autocorrect fixes errors as users type, increasing typing speed by 30-50%.

Team Read Statuses

Read statuses are shared across the team, enabling users to communicate and collaborate more effectively.

Avoid Collisions

Superhuman shows when the team is replying, avoiding double work and embarrassing collisions.

Calendar Integration

Users can check their calendar without losing flow, and Superhuman will even update their email for them.


Users can schedule events right from Superhuman, instantly seeing when their team is free.


Superhuman offers affordable pricing plans for individuals and teams. Users can get started with a free trial and then choose a plan that suits their needs.

Helpful Tips

  • Use Superhuman AI to write entire emails with just one line.
  • Utilize Split Inbox to automatically triage incoming email.
  • Follow up on time, every time with Superhuman's follow-up feature.
  • Collaborate faster than ever before with Superhuman's sharing and commenting features.
  • Automate typing with Snippets to increase productivity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is Superhuman compatible with Gmail or Outlook?

A: Yes, Superhuman is built for teams that use Gmail or Outlook.

Q: How does Superhuman's AI Write feature work?

A: Superhuman AI matches the voice and tone in the emails users have already sent, applying that to everything it creates.

Q: Can I use Superhuman for free?

A: Yes, Superhuman offers a free trial. Users can get started and then choose a plan that suits their needs.