Fliki - Turn text into videos with AI voices

Transform your ideas to videos effortlessly with the best AI Video Generator. User-friendly Text to Video editor, realistic voiceovers, dynamic AI clips, and more.

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Fliki - Turn text into videos with AI voices


What is Fliki?

Fliki is an AI-driven platform that provides access to a vast array of AI technologies for various needs, including text-to-video generation, AI voices, and more.

Features of Fliki

  1. Simple Editor: Fliki makes creating videos as simple as writing an email with its script-based editor.

  2. Fast Creation: Create videos with lifelike voiceovers in minutes, powered using AI.

  3. Cost-Effective: Create high-quality content at scale at a fraction of the cost.

How to Use Fliki

  1. Start with Your Text: Begin with your ideas, PPT, blogs, or tweets.

  2. Choose and Personalize Your AI Voice: Select from over 2000 realistic Text-to-Speech voices across 80+ languages.

  3. Select Media or Let AI Create: Choose from millions of rich stock media or let AI create for you.

  4. Preview Instantly and Perfect Your Creation: Review and refine your video in minutes.

Use Cases for Fliki

  • Content Creation: Transform your ideas into captivating videos.

  • Business and Corporate: Create stunning videos for marketing, social media, and e-learning.

  • Education and E-Learning: Convert blog articles into engaging video content.

  • Localization and Translation: Create videos in multiple languages with ease.

Pricing and Plans

Fliki offers a seamless workflow for impactful content creation, with plans to suit your needs. Access millions of rich stock media, AI voices, and more.

Helpful Tips

  • Maximize Your Use of Fliki's AI Services: Leverage the daily free uses of GPT-4o document reading and Dalle's image generation to support various tasks.

  • Explore a Vast Range of AI-Powered Tools: Discover the full potential of Fliki's AI-driven platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will My Information Be Used for Training Data?: No, your data will not be used for any training purposes. You can delete your account at any time, and all your data will be removed as well.

  • When Would I Need a Fliki Subscription?: If the 20 free GPT-4o conversations per day do not meet your needs, we invite you to subscribe to our affordable products.