Gong - Revenue Intelligence Platform

Gong captures customer interactions then delivers insights at scale, empowering teams to make decisions based on data instead of opinions.

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Gong - Revenue Intelligence Platform


What is Gong?

Gong is an AI-driven revenue intelligence platform that provides access to a vast array of AI technologies for various needs, including conversation intelligence, forecasting, and sales engagement.

Features of Gong

  • Collects conversation data from everywhere you interact with your customers
  • Powered by 40+ purpose-built AI models
  • Provides meaningful insights to drive action
  • Enriched by a robust ecosystem
  • Purpose-built for revenue workflows and outcomes

How to Use Gong

  • Book a demo to see Gong in action
  • Take a self-guided platform tour
  • Request pricing information
  • Watch a 3-minute demo video

Benefits of Gong

  • 10x sales efficiency
  • 95% forecast accuracy
  • 80% increase in email response rate
  • Stop losing winnable deals
  • Boost win rates
  • Increase average deal size
  • Increase revenue per rep

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Gong's pricing?
    • Gong's pricing depends on a few factors specific to your team, so you'll need to request pricing info.
  • How does Gong work?
    • Gong collects conversation data, uses AI models to understand customer interactions, and provides insights to drive action.
  • What kind of integrations does Gong have?
    • Gong has a robust ecosystem with seamless integrations into your existing tech stack.

Helpful Tips

  • Use Gong to transform your revenue growth
  • Leverage Gong's AI-powered insights to drive action
  • Take advantage of Gong's robust ecosystem to enrich your CRM
  • Use Gong to coach your reps and improve sales performance