Luma Dream Machine

Dream Machine is an AI model that makes high quality, realistic videos fast from text and images from Luma AI

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Luma Dream Machine


What is Dream Machine?

Dream Machine is an AI model that generates high-quality, realistic videos quickly from text and images. It is a highly scalable and efficient transformer model trained directly on videos, making it capable of generating physically accurate, consistent, and eventful shots.

Features of Dream Machine

High-quality videos from text & images

Dream Machine can generate high-quality videos from text and images, allowing users to bring their imagination to life.


Dream Machine is an incredibly fast video generator, capable of generating 120 frames in 120 seconds. This allows users to iterate faster, explore more ideas, and dream bigger.


Dream Machine generates 5-second shots with realistic smooth motion, cinematography, and drama, making it possible to create action-packed shots.


Dream Machine understands how people, animals, and objects interact with the physical world, allowing users to create videos with great character consistency and accurate physics.


Dream Machine helps users experiment with an endless array of fluid, cinematic, and naturalistic camera motions, matching the emotion and contents of the scene.

How to use Dream Machine

Dream Machine is available to everyone now, allowing users to try it out and start generating high-quality videos.


Luma offers different pricing plans, including the Luma Inner Circle, which provides access to Dream Machine and other AI models.

Helpful Tips

  • Use Dream Machine to generate high-quality videos for various applications, such as marketing, education, and entertainment.
  • Experiment with different text and image inputs to create unique and creative videos.
  • Take advantage of Dream Machine's speed and iterate on your ideas quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current limitation of Dream Machine?

Dream Machine is still a developing technology, and there are limitations to its capabilities. However, the team is continuously working to improve and expand its features.

Who is behind Dream Machine?

Dream Machine is developed by a team of experts in AI, machine learning, and computer vision, including Ayaan Haque, Nathan McClean, Samarth Sinha, and many others.

How can I join the Dream Machine community?

You can join the Dream Machine community by visiting the Luma website, following Luma on Twitter, or joining the Discord community.